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7 Guns That Fuel America’s Crime Problem

Gun violence is a complex issue with many contributing factors, but when it comes to firearms linked to crimes, certain models show up far more often than others. While it’s easy to assume that high-end or specialized firearms dominate the list, the reality is different. The most commonly traced guns in criminal activity tend to be widely available, affordable, and often stolen from legal owners.

Below, we break down seven firearms that law enforcement frequently recovers at crime scenes and some surprising insights into how and why they end up there.

1. Glock 9mm Pistols

1. Glock 9mm Pistols
Image Credit: GLOCK, Inc.

It should come as no surprise that Glock handguns are among the most commonly traced firearms in criminal cases. Glock’s reliability, ease of use, and availability make it one of the most popular choices for law-abiding gun owners – and, unfortunately, criminals as well. The Glock 17 and Glock 19 are ubiquitous in crime reports, likely because they are some of America’s most widely owned handguns.

Additionally, their prevalence in pop culture and music may contribute to their status as a weapon of choice for those engaged in illegal activities.

2. Smith & Wesson 9mm Handguns

2. Smith & Wesson 9mm Handguns
Image Credit: Smith & Wesson

Smith & Wesson has been a cornerstone of American firearms manufacturing for over a century, and their budget-friendly 9mm pistols, such as the M&P and SD series, are widely owned. Their affordability makes them accessible to legal gun owners, but that also means they frequently fall into the wrong hands when stolen. The company’s long-standing reputation for producing reliable firearms ensures that their guns remain a go-to for criminals looking for firepower.

3. Taurus Semi-Automatic Pistols

3. Taurus Semi Automatic Pistols
Image Credit: Taurus USA

Taurus has gained popularity in recent years, especially with models like the G2C, G3, and GX4, which provide budget-friendly alternatives to higher-end handguns. While the brand has improved its reputation for reliability, its affordability means these guns are often used as “truck guns” or backup firearms – many of which end up stolen and eventually used in crimes. Since Taurus firearms are so widely available and inexpensive, they frequently show up in law enforcement crime reports.

4. Ruger 9mm Pistols

4. Ruger 9mm Pistols
Image Credit: Ruger

Ruger is one of America’s largest gun manufacturers, producing millions of firearms each year. Their 9mm handguns, including the EC9s, LC9s, and Security-9, are common choices for everyday carry. Unfortunately, like other budget-friendly firearms, these pistols are frequently stolen and later linked to criminal activity. Ruger’s reputation for making affordable yet durable guns ensures that their models are widely circulated, both legally and illegally.

5. Marlin and Ruger .22 Rifles

5. Marlin and Ruger .22 Rifles
Image Credit: Ruger

While many people assume that high-powered firearms dominate crime statistics, .22 caliber rifles are surprisingly common in crime-related gun traces. Marlin and Ruger, two major manufacturers of .22 rifles, often show up in reports.

Rifles like the Marlin Model 60 and Ruger 10/22 are extremely popular in American households for hunting, plinking, and sport shooting, which also makes them common targets for theft. Unlike handguns, these rifles may not be used as frequently in violent crimes but are often linked to illegal activities such as poaching and property crimes.

6. Smith & Wesson .38 Revolvers

6. Smith & Wesson .38 Revolvers
Image Credit: Smith & Wesson

Revolvers might seem like relics of the past, but Smith & Wesson’s .38 Special revolvers are still widely used – and frequently traced back to crimes. Historically, these revolvers were the standard for law enforcement, and many remain in circulation today. Because of their durability and ease of use, they are often passed down through generations, making them an easy target for theft. Their presence in criminal activity is likely due to their long lifespan and continued popularity among private owners.

7. HS Produkt (Springfield Armory Imports)

7. HS Produkt (Springfield Armory Imports)
Image Credit: HS Produkt

Springfield Armory’s polymer-framed pistols, which are manufactured by HS Produkt in Croatia, are another commonly traced brand in criminal cases. These include models such as the XD, XDM, and XDS, which have been popular in the U.S. market since the early 2000s.

The combination of affordability, reliability, and widespread ownership makes them attractive to criminals, particularly when stolen from law-abiding owners. While Springfield Armory is a respected manufacturer, its connection to crime statistics underscores the importance of responsible firearm storage.

The Role of Stolen Firearms in Crime

The Role of Stolen Firearms in Crime
Image Credit: Survival World

One of the most important takeaways from crime gun tracing data is that the majority of firearms used in crimes are stolen. In many cases, legal gun owners are the unintended suppliers of these weapons when their firearms are left in unsecured vehicles, homes, or businesses. While some criminals obtain guns through illegal straw purchases, theft remains the leading source. This highlights the need for secure storage solutions such as gun safes and vehicle lockboxes to prevent firearms from falling into the wrong hands.

Popularity and Accessibility Play a Big Role

Popularity and Accessibility Play a Big Role
Image Credit: GLOCK, Inc.

Another factor driving these trends is sheer availability. Guns that are mass-produced and widely sold are statistically more likely to be stolen and misused. Manufacturers like Glock, Smith & Wesson, Ruger, and Taurus dominate the American firearms market, so it makes sense that their products would appear frequently in crime reports. The correlation between affordability and criminal use is also worth noting – cheaper guns are easier for criminals to acquire, whether through theft or illegal purchase.

The Cultural Influence on Firearm Choice

The Cultural Influence on Firearm Choice
Image Credit: GLOCK, Inc.

Cultural factors may also influence the prevalence of certain brands in crime-related gun traces. Firearms like Glocks are frequently mentioned in movies, television, and music, especially in music lyrics. While this doesn’t mean that media directly causes crime, it does shape perceptions of certain firearms as desirable or powerful. Some criminals may choose Glocks specifically because of their reputation, even if they obtain them illegally.

What Can Responsible Gun Owners Do?

What Can Responsible Gun Owners Do
Image Credit: Smith & Wesson

For lawful gun owners, preventing firearm theft should be a top priority. Simple steps like removing guns from vehicles, using safes, and securing weapons with cable locks can significantly reduce the risk of theft. Additionally, ensuring that firearms are properly documented and reported if stolen can aid law enforcement in tracking down lost weapons before they are used in crimes. The more responsible gun owners are with their firearms, the harder it becomes for criminals to obtain them.

The Most Accessible

The Most Accessible
Image Credit: Smith & Wesson

The firearms most commonly traced back to crimes are not necessarily the most dangerous or powerful – they are simply the most accessible. The majority of these guns start in the hands of lawful owners before being stolen or otherwise diverted into criminal use. While the focus should always be on holding criminals accountable, legal gun owners also have a role to play in securing their firearms. By taking precautions, responsible gun owners can help prevent their weapons from ending up in crime statistics.