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How To Tie the Two Half Hitches Knot

As far as survival tactics go, learning to properly tie a knot is at the very basics of the attributes that constitute a functional person. The skill is so handy, it’s arguably adopted by every boy’s scout training program. It’s remarkable how serious the officials take it, even more, remarkable is how incredibly addictive it gets when folks start getting it right.

Some people consider it a hobby because the truth is that tying a knot is not as difficult as it seems once you get the hang of it. There are various kinds of knots and some may be more complicated than others, but today we’ll talk about the two half hitches.

The Two Half Hitches Knot

Two Half Hitches
Two Half Hitches Knot. Node rope.

The two half hitch is definitely one of the major knots of the lot, used by sailors and fishermen around the globe because of its reliability and flexibility. What it’s good for is that it can slide to make a smaller or bigger loop.

This method is commonly used to tie a rope to a post or to a ring. Knots are always complicated to discern when looking at the finished weave, but as complex, as it may seem, it is actually not that difficult to get accustomed to the two half hitch seeing how easy the steps are to follow. You could learn to do it yourself the first time you try, but in case that’s not you, do it again and again following the detailed steps provided below until you learn to do it yourself.

Tips on Tying The Knot

As easy to tie as the double half hitch, it can be a tiny bit tricky to follow through from the start to finish, and this can be done in four basic steps.

Firstly, you want to tie the rope around support or a fixed object such as a post, rail or ring, then pass the shorter end of the rope over the longer end and through the loop, giving you a half knot (one of the poorest performing knots in my opinion). This motion is then repeated by going over the longer end of the rope a second time, and through the newly formed loop which is then completed by tightening the knot, making it firmer with a slide feature of it, and you have a two half hitch.

It is important to note that the half hitch knot is unsafe when used alone.

We hope that with the following step-by-step instructions, you would be able to tie a two half hitch at home, all by yourself.   

Step 1

Wrap the rope end to be tied off around whatever item you chose and under the standing part of the rope.

Step 2

Now pass the same piece of rope the loop you have just done. 

Step 3

Repeat step one and two so that two complete Half Hitches sit snugly on top of each other. 

Step 4

Pull the two tight. 

For a more in-depth tutorial on how to tie the knot, check out our video on the half hitch knot!

Uses For The Two Half Hitches Knot

And just like that you’re a pro, no dollars spent! How awesome is that? We think it’s pretty awesome because these knots are important for diverse reasons. One reason straight out of the scout book would be to “tie a guy line to a dining fly”. A guy line is basically a support rope and the dining fly is just like a tent that you can make from a tarp. You can tie some support lines or rope onto this tarp tent to help with the balance.

It can also be used for weaving. Although this demands a certain elegance different from the boy scouts’, the same technique is applicable. Weaving may require major concentration, dedication and gentility as it is very practical in nature. Notwithstanding, the double half hitch is great for weaving and can produce outstanding textile designs.

There are other ways to use this beautifully multi-purposed knot like:

  • Creating macrame bracelets and the likes.
  • Tying the boats to the pilings.
  • Secure the end of a rope that ties things to the top of luggage rack on your vehicle.
  • Stringing tennis rackets and fly tying in fishing.
  • In casting methods for cattle handling.
  • When you add to a timber hitch close to the hauling end, it helps in hosting and preventing the load from winding up.

Variations On Tying the Knot

There are other variations to the double half hitch knot which may look like the double half hitch but not quite the same. There are a number of them too:

1. Slipped double half hitch: 

The slippery half each is a slightly easier hitch knot. This knot has the overhand knot as the foundation, as well as the half hitch of course.

The slippery half hitch is not a very strong knot by its nature of being easily untied. It is in many ways fickle and should not be regarded as a dependable knot. But still, the fact that it is so easy to untie makes it a well-known hitch style knot.

The slippery half hitch is generally adopted in cases when there’s reason to believe that the knot may jam when under load, and it’s equally the best bet for when a quick release hitch is needed.

2. Round turn and two half hitches: 

This is stronger than the first variation and the double half hitch because it is a combination of two elements that provides a more dependable knot. The first part takes the initial strain and controls the load as you complete the knot.

It is mostly used for securing fairly heavy items. I believe it can also be used when tying a tow-rope.

To reinforce this knot, you can add an extra 1 to 2 round turns if you are securing very heavy loads, and then balance it off with additional half hitches ensuring that the half hitches are tied in the same direction.

In Conclusion

Learning to tie knots is a basic skill that everyone should have because one never knows when the need will arise. There are numerous knot styles but just a few from the list added to your informal skill sets will make an enviable difference. Knots are very important, particularly in hazardous environments, such as mountains, where anything can happen at any time. And it’s not a skill for just men too, even women need to know how to knot because it is a fundamental skill to have and a crowning on all survival techniques.

Related Knots

Here are some other related knots to the Two Half Hitches Knot

  1. Clove Hitch Knot
  2. Overhand Knot
  3. Half Hitch Knot