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The 17 Best Prepper Websites You Need to Follow

There has been an explosion in prepper websites over the last 10 years and massive growth in those looking for this kind of content. Over the years I have changed the websites that I read and spend my time on.

New sites have popped up and some sites just weren’t doing it for me anymore. I have a list of sites that I can always depend on. In this article, I will break them down for you. Whether you are looking to get some intel and motivation, learn some skills, meet some preppers or buy some great gear that has been tested and proven, this list has a little bit of it all.

Prepper supplies on wood table and in wooden box

Best Prepper Websites for News

1. The Economic Collapse Blog

Michael Snyder at The Economic Collapse Blog is such a master of teasing out the notable signs of societal collapse and impending doom that I had to regulate how much I was going to his site. Quite frankly, the site will scare you to death.

New articles are posted daily and they are always based on current events and how they affect the people who are preparing. It’s literally a news site that is so good it can be bad! You gotta check it out but I wouldn’t recommend going on every day, for your sanity.

2. The Changing Earth

Sara Hathaway is a podcaster, author, and overall badass lady! The Changing Earth website is full of information but her podcast, in particular, features a segment on, well, THE CHANGING EARTH. Her passion for earth changes, sun changes, and things like the geomagnetic field is both infectious and unique.

I would highly recommend her site and podcast to any prepper.

Sara is also the author of a 9 book series on collapse called…you guessed it…The Changing Earth Series. She has a common sense grip on prepping as a mother, wife, and content creator which is pretty rare in the prepping world.

3. Peak Prosperity

Peak Prosperity has long been a great resource for news but it has recently taken a turn for the better with content that is more focused on being prepared, homesteading, and even courses on the subjects.

I know some of the contributors personally and they are great people. If you want a site that is enough REAL news to get your heart beating fast but also some great solutions to deal with the trouble looming, this is one of my favorites.

crying woman in gas mask

4. SHTFPlan

SHTFPlan is was one of those sites I would visit in my early days of prepping. I would scare myself to death reading this site and then I would make poor uninformed decisions on prepping. I look back and laugh at that but it is all true.

This site falls in the genre of doomer porn or websites that literally focus on the worst and most horrifying stores. Of course, the most terrifying part of it all is that there is so much truth to the stories and headlines. Truth hurts and it changes you. That is why I value this site.

While it might be great info and info you likely won’t find anywhere else, I gotta slap the same disclaimer on this site as I did for Michael Snyder’s masterpiece.

Don’t read this site all day every day or it will drive you mad!

5. The Organic Prepper

Daisy Luther is a long-time prepper and her site, The Organic Prepper, is a top-notch website on a variety of topics. She keeps a strong stable of writers, too. One such writer is Selco who is a master of urban survival from his time surviving a real-life economic collapse.

There is authenticity and an experience in the articles when you visit this site. For preppers who have made mistakes and gone down the dark paths, reading The Organic Prepper is like talking with a friend who is a prepper and has taken the lumps already but still has some new and interesting information to offer.

Best Prepper Websites for Skills

Woman and family picking vegetables from their family garden

6. A Year Without A Grocery Store

A Year Without A Grocery Store has evolved over the years to become something of a masterpiece in terms of skills and plans. The original motivation of the site was to get you in a spot where you were so prepared and self-reliant that you could do a year without the grocery store.

The author often writes about her own experience doing just that. It is quite a challenge and one that most people would fail. Just think about your life if for the next 365 days you did not go to the grocery store to buy the things that you need.

Instead, this website is packed with skills to help you become more self-reliant and independent.

7. Prepper Website

Todd Sepulveda is a good friend and I always called his website ‘the Drudge Report for preppers’ it is an aggregator of other prepper’s sites but where Prepper Website really shines for me is in how it avoids most of the doomsday news and sticks to skills and DIY.

Prepper Website has been around for a while now and they are always worth a visit. You cannot read the headlines without getting inspired to take on a new project.

A hidden little nook on the site is the sidebar that contains a link called Prepping Topics. This is an alphabetical archive of all his posts. Perfect for reference if you are looking for something specific.

8. Apartment Prepper

Bernie over at the Apartment Prepper takes a very unique angle. She offers her prepping knowledge in the form of prepping in small spaces for those apartment preppers. There are not many sites that focus on small space prepping and it is a question I get a lot!

If you happen to live in an apartment or if you are managing preps in a very small space, this website is a gem. Bernie is also a great lady who has always been polite and fun to deal with. It’s good to know the person behind the site and what they are all about.

Man making fishing spear

9. Ask a Prepper

When it comes to Ask a Prepper I am supremely biased. This was my first writing client and has been my longest-standing client. If you like my writing I have done a lot for them, too! Ask a prepper has a focus on pioneering and native American skills that I really enjoy. I have learned so much just by writing for them.

Ask a Prepper has a great roster of writers and cranks the content out. There is also a strong focus on keeping things apolitical and sticking to the story and the skills.

10. Homestead Survival Site

If you are looking for a website that is just packed with all kinds of DIY and projects around homesteading, off-grid living and prepping then this is the place. This site has been at it for a long time and I am always impressed by how they find new and interesting projects to challenge the readers.

From things like the best natural fertilizers to DIY pest traps, the Homestead Survival Site is a great resource and high-quality prepper website. It is also void of any terrifying news.

Best Prepper Websites for Gear

11. Off-Grid Survival

Off-Grid Survival is a great blend of articles that are geared towards DIY and toward the testing and reviewing of gear. Since the focus is on off-grid living you don’t often get bogged down by tactical gear reviews. I don’t know about you but I do not need to read a review on a firearm each day or a chest rig.

Medical kits, camping gear, and prepping tools are the types of things that you are going to find on this website. They also post some awesome historical stories that make the news but are dominated by the stories of the times.

12. True Prepper

This website is solid. That is what I think of when I think of visiting. I used to write for them but haven’t in a while. No fault to be had on either side. I always liked the layout and the offerings of the site.

True Prepper has the Latest Gear Reviews section that is always changing and filled with great content. The author is both measured and honest when it comes to his reviews. The reviews aren’t just love affairs with products that were sent to him for free.

13. The Prepared

The Prepared was one of the first, sort of, high brow nonpartisan prepper websites. Not that most prepper sites are decidedly left or right-leaning but The Prepared made it a point to meet the preparedness needs of anyone.

I actually prefer the site now because it is clear that they have bills to pay and they have to do a good deal of gear reviews to make affiliate commissions and things along those lines that make websites money.

They have good writers and offer up some solid reviews on all kinds of camping and survival gear.

shooting accessories military

14. Everyday Carry

If you really wanna geek out on the latest and the greatest or the coolest EDC gear, Everyday Carry is the site. It’s a dangerous place. It can empty your wallet if you are not careful. However, it has such a wide range of available gear.

If you get crazy over multitools flashlights and so on, this is the place for you. They even sell great watches and wallets to complete your loadout. Ordinarily, I would call a site like this a store but they publish great buying guides that are actually fun to read, too!

Best Prepper Websites for Community

15. Bunker Days

Bunker Days is an incredible website that is both built as a community for the Self Reliant but also a place to manage your prepper inventory, create written prepping plans, and even buy gear. There is really nothing like Bunker Days on the net. It’s a powerful tool for building community and building out plans of your own.

The owners are really good friends and I went to PrepperCon 2018 with them. They are the REALIST of people with families and concerns just like yours. That adds another layer to the whole Bunker Days website.

16. The Prepper Broadcasting Network

This podcast network features 15 hosts and 11 unique shows on the topics of prepping self-reliance, and independence. You might be wondering how a podcast network can be one of the best prepper websites for community.

The Prepper Broadcasting Network does something pretty rare, they podcast LIVE and in doing so they keep a live chatroom going. On Mondays and Wednesdays at 8 pm EST and Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9 pm they go live with their shows.

You can join the live chat at their website or follow this link You’re invited to talk on Matrix

The live chat group is sort of the litmus test. Once you have hung out for a few shows you can request access to the greater EOC or Emergency Operations Center where a massive group of preppers exchange tips, ideas and have conversations on a myriad of topics. It’s a hidden community but it’s one that is worth exploring.

typeset letters forming capitalized Be Prepared text between canned food

17. PrepperNet

PrepperNet is a really cool concept. The site itself is built to link preppers with one another through meetups all over the nation! There are PrepperNet groups for people to join all over the nation. You can get a ton of added benefits from a paid membership.

All in all the site does a great job at creating opportunities for preppers to link up and meet like-minded individuals if that is your motivation.

Prepper Websites to Explore

Whether you are an experienced prepper looking for some new ideas or a beginning prepper just getting started, there are several great prepper websites for you to explore.

At whatever stage of prepping you’re in, Survival World is loaded with information for preppers and survivalists.

For more prepping information, check out our pages on Food and Preparedness.