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20 Survival Skills Every Man Must Know

In an unpredictable world, there are certain survival skills every man should master. Whether you’re dealing with a simple car breakdown, a camping trip gone wrong, or an unexpected emergency, these skills can make all the difference. We’ve compiled a list of 20 essential skills to ensure you’re prepared for whatever life throws your way. From building shelters to basic first aid, these are the skills that can help you stay safe, self-sufficient, and ready to handle any situation.

1. Starting a Fire

1. Starting a Fire
Image Credit: Survival World

Knowing how to start a fire is one of the most fundamental survival skills. Fire provides warmth, light, and a way to cook food and purify water. Start with the basics: learn how to build a campfire using matches or a lighter, and then progress to more advanced methods like using a ferro rod or a bow drill. Mastering this skill means being able to create fire even in wet or windy conditions.

2. Building a Shelter

2. Building a Shelter
Image Credit: Survival World

Shelter is essential for staying protected from the elements, especially in cold or rainy weather. Learn how to build different types of shelters, starting with simple tarp shelters and progressing to more complex structures like debris huts and lean-tos. Practice building these in various conditions so you can adapt to different environments.

3. Purifying Water

3. Purifying Water
Image Credit: Survival World

Clean drinking water is crucial for survival. Knowing how to purify water can mean the difference between life and death. Learn how to use water filters, purification tablets, and even simple boiling methods. Additionally, understanding how to create makeshift filters using materials like sand, charcoal, and cloth is invaluable.

4. Basic First Aid

4. Basic First Aid (1)
Image Credit: Survival World

Accidents happen, and having basic first aid knowledge can save lives. Learn how to treat cuts, burns, fractures, and other common injuries. Knowing how to perform CPR, use a tourniquet correctly, and treat choking incidents can prepare you for emergencies. Consider taking a first aid course to gain hands-on experience.

5. Catching Wild Game and Fishing

5. Catching Wild Game and Fishing
Image Credit: Survival World

Being able to catch food in the wild is an essential survival skill. Practice setting up basic fish traps and learn how to make snares and other traps for small game. Understanding how to fish using minimal equipment, and learning how to track and hunt small animals can provide valuable food sources in a survival situation.

6. Navigating Without GPS

6. Navigating Without GPS
Image Credit: Survival World

With technology at our fingertips, traditional navigation skills are often overlooked. Learn how to read a map and use a compass, and practice finding your way using natural landmarks. Understanding how to navigate by the stars or the position of the sun can also be helpful when you find yourself without modern gadgets.

7. Tying Basic Knots

7. Tying Basic Knots
Image Credit: Survival World

Knot-tying is a versatile skill used in everything from securing gear to building shelters. Master at least four basic types of knots: loops, bends, hitches, and tightening knots. Knowing when and how to use these knots can make tasks easier and more efficient, especially in the wilderness.

8. Building and Repairing with Tools

8. Building and Repairing with Tools
Image Credit: Survival World

Whether it’s fixing a broken door or building a shelter, having basic carpentry and repair skills is a must. Learn how to use tools like hammers, saws, screwdrivers, and wrenches, and gain a basic understanding of mechanics. This knowledge will also come in handy when dealing with machinery and vehicles.

9. Fitness and Self-Defense

9. Fitness and Self Defense
Image Credit: Survival World

Staying fit is essential for overall survival. In addition to maintaining good physical health, learning self-defense techniques like boxing, martial arts, or Jiu-Jitsu can help you protect yourself and others. Physical fitness ensures you can handle situations that require strength, speed, or endurance.

10. Effective Communication

10. Effective Communication
Image Credit: Survival World

Being able to communicate effectively, both verbally and non-verbally, is a skill that serves you well in everyday life and during emergencies. Practice clear and confident speech, active listening, and even basic radio communication for situations where you might need to relay important information over distances.

11. Using Technology and Basic Electronics

11. Using Technology and Basic Electronics
Image Credit: Survival World

We live in a tech-driven world, and understanding how to operate basic electronic devices can be extremely beneficial. Learn how to jump-start a car, reset circuit breakers, and handle small electrical repairs. These skills can keep things running smoothly during unexpected outages.

12. Cooking and Processing Wild Game

12. Cooking and Processing Wild Game
Image Credit: Survival World

Knowing how to clean and cook wild game, as well as how to properly process meat, is a skill many overlook. Understand how to gut fish, skin small animals, and avoid contaminating meat. This knowledge ensures you can prepare safe and edible meals from whatever nature provides.

13. Maintaining Discipline and Emotional Control

13. Maintaining Discipline and Emotional Control
Image Credit: Survival World

Survival isn’t just about physical skills; it’s also about mental resilience. Cultivating discipline, staying calm under pressure, and managing emotions can help you make rational decisions during crises. This emotional control can be just as important as knowing how to build a shelter or start a fire.

14. Navigation with Improvised Tools

14. Navigation with Improvised Tools
Image Credit: Survival World

If you find yourself without a compass, there are still ways to navigate. Learn how to use the North Star, the position of the sun, or even makeshift devices like shadow sticks to find direction. This knowledge can prevent you from getting lost when modern tools aren’t available.

15. Making and Using Cordage

15. Making and Using Cordage
Image Credit: Survival World

Cordage can be used for everything from building shelters to setting traps. Learn how to make your own rope from natural materials like vines, roots, and even strips of fabric. Practice using this cordage in different scenarios so you can create sturdy and reliable knots and ties.

16. Mastering Time Management

16. Mastering Time Management
Image Credit: Survival World

Effective time management is crucial during emergencies. Knowing how to prioritize tasks, manage your resources, and plan ahead can keep you from panicking and ensure you accomplish everything you need. This skill helps in everything from rationing food to setting up camp before nightfall.

17. Operating Vehicles and Machinery

17. Operating Vehicles and Machinery
Image Credit: Survival World

Driving different types of vehicles, including manual transmission cars, motorcycles, and boats, can be a lifesaver. Learn how to operate heavy machinery like tractors and ATVs, as well as how to troubleshoot basic engine problems. You never know when these skills will come in handy.

18. Finding and Preparing Food in the Wild

18. Finding and Preparing Food in the Wild
Image Credit: Survival World

Apart from hunting and fishing, understanding how to forage for edible plants and berries is another key skill. Learn to identify safe, nutritious plants, and practice methods of preparing them. Knowing what’s safe to eat and what to avoid can keep you nourished when traditional food sources are unavailable.

19. Using Maps and Reading Terrain

19. Using Maps and Reading Terrain
Image Credit: Survival World

Maps can be an invaluable tool, but only if you know how to read them. Practice understanding topographic maps and how to interpret terrain features. This skill is essential for route planning and can help you find safe paths, water sources, and shelter in unfamiliar environments.

20. Stopping Bleeding and Other Basic Medical Interventions

20. Stopping Bleeding and Other Basic Medical Interventions
Image Credit: Survival World

Beyond first aid, having knowledge about treating more serious injuries, like stopping severe bleeding, is crucial. Understand when to use a tourniquet and when simple pressure or bandaging will suffice. Basic wound care, burn treatment, and the ability to treat shock can prevent injuries from becoming life-threatening.

Skills That Can Make a Significant Difference

Skills That Can Make a Significant Difference
Image Credit: Survival World

Survival skills aren’t just for adventurers; they’re for anyone who wants to be prepared for the unexpected. Each of these skills can help you navigate emergencies, maintain self-sufficiency, and protect yourself and those around you. While mastering all 20 may seem daunting, even becoming proficient in a few can make a significant difference. Start practicing today, and build your confidence and capability for whatever challenges come your way.