If you know what you’re doing, and you’re a seasoned pro, then turkey hunting in the rain probably isn’t difficult for you. However, if you’re just starting out, you might find the idea of turkey hunting in wet conditions daunting.
Fret not, though. With careful and meticulous planning and the right gear, you too can successfully hunt wild turkey, no matter what weather conditions you’re dealing with. Keep in mind, turkeys have an incredible sense of sight; they see everything, so even the most subtle movements might alert them and send them running out of your scope.

This is why pro turkey hunters have built up an ability to be stealthy when in the field, to avoid being caught by the turkey when walking, talking, or aiming their weapon (gun, crossbow, etc.). Why do turkeys have such good eyesight? Well, the short answer is the location of their eyes, which is on the sides of the head. This gives them a 300 degree viewpoint of their surroundings and helps them escape predators in the field.
Luckily, with a few expert strategies, you should feel confident enough to take down a turkey. With that said, this article is about turkey hunting in the rain, which can be more challenging, so if you haven’t learned the basics of hunting turkeys, I suggest you go take a look at one of our most recent articles.
What You Need to Know About Turkey Hunting in The Rain
1. Turkeys Tend to Flock to Open Fields When it Rains
Turkeys tend to be spooked by the sound of raindrops hitting forest leaves, causing them to flock to open fields during steady rains to scratch around for bugs, leftover corn, or other treats to fill their beaks.
Their 300-degree vision allows them to see better in open fields giving them a sense of safety. They also don’t like having their feathers dragging along wet brush, so fields are preferred over roosts when it is raining.
2. Using The Proper Decoys is Key
When it comes to any type of turkey hunting, decoys are a must-have item to bring along with you. While hunting in the rain, I prefer to set up a couple of jakes, a few small hens, a Gobbler, and a good ole Raspy Hen pair. Occasionally I will use the Gobbler and Hen mount, but the pair works fine. In the rain, it can be more difficult to hear, so it is best to use something that can be easily seen.
3. Learn The Basics of Calling
Learning the basics of calling will be a big asset during your hunt. Don’t worry about being an expert, in time you will start to recognize the different turkey calls. During deer season, I find the turkeys to be active, giving me a master class in the different calls they make.
Turkeys have a difficult time hearing in rain, so be sure to increase the volume on your calls, especially on windy days. Be sure to keep your call box in a dry place so you can use it throughout your hunt.

4. Wearing The Right Clothing in The Field
The most important thing when hunting turkey in the rain is to stay as dry as possible. If you are hunting on the ground and like to move around and chase turkey, you can expect to get wet and dirty. If you enjoy stationary hunting, you can suit up in rain gear with a poncho and rubber boots. You can also invest in a ground blind.
5. Stay Alert at All Times
Rain and inclement weather creates a noisy environment, making it more difficult to hear gobbling or yelping. Keep your head up and sight clear so you can see any turkey that may be strutting around close by.
Gear For Turkey Hunting in The Rain
When it comes to turkey hunting in the rain, I recommend the following gear:
- High quality turkey calls that are waterproof. Avoid bringing the cheap calls, as these won’t be heard by the turkeys over the sounds of the rain.
- Waterproof clothing (shirts, pants, thermal underwear, etc.) to keep you comfortable, warm, and dry out there.
- A pair of high quality, fog/waterproof binoculars to help you see turkeys that are in open fields.
What if It’s Windy Too?
Adding wind to an already cold and windy day creates the toughest conditions to hunt turkey. Wind gust can topple your decoys and make it virtually impossible to hear any nearby gobblers.
Visually hunting is the best strategy for hunting on windy days. Seek out areas like protected draws, leeward sides of forage rich ridges, and low spots in open, protected fields. Turkey will take cover in these less windy areas.
Going back to the basics on windy days will help you have a successful hunt. Use loud box calls to project sound into the distance, and never underestimate the skill of sitting still. You would be surprised at how many turkeys will walk into your sights that you are not able to otherwise hear.
Gear For Turkey Hunting When It’s Windy
I recommend bringing along the following items when turkey hunting in windy conditions:
- Something you can comfortably sit in while you wait for turkeys to ambush.
- A windbreaker or face shield to protect your bare skin from the wind. This will keep you comfortable and help you perform better in the field.
- A high quality box call that is able to produce a loud, controlled call that a gobbler will hear through the loud roaring of the winds.

Get Out There & Nab a Gobbler!
I hope you enjoyed these turkey hunting tips and use them if you plan on hunting gobblers in the wind or rain. Remember, staying comfortable and not being seen by the turkeys is a big part of being successful when turkey hunting in wet or windy conditions.
For more turkey hunting tips, be sure to keep up to date with our blog. Happy hunting, my friends!

A former park ranger and wildlife conservationist, Lisa’s passion for survival started with her deep connection to nature. Raised on a small farm in northern Wisconsin, she learned how to grow her own food, raise livestock, and live off the land. Lisa writes about homesteading, natural remedies, and survival strategies. Whether it’s canning vegetables or setting up a rainwater harvesting system, Lisa’s goal is to help others live more sustainably and prepare for the unexpected.