Trapping foxes is an age-old practice that has been employed for various reasons, such as wildlife management, pest control, and fur harvesting. These intelligent and adaptable creatures require a precise combination of strategy, patience, and equipment to be effectively and humanely trapped.
This article will provide essential information on the methods, tools, and tips necessary to successfully trap a fox.

Understanding Fox Behavior
Seasonal Characteristics
Foxes are known to adapt their behavior according to seasonal changes. In winter, foxes in colder regions like Alaska may be more active during twilight hours, conserving energy during the coldest parts of the day.
They also rely on their thick winter coats to stay warm and insulated. Foxes may create underground dens for additional protection against harsh weather conditions and to raise their young.
Fox Diet
Foxes have a diverse diet, which is an important aspect of their behavior. They are omnivorous creatures that consume a variety of food sources, such as berries, insects, small mammals, and birds.
As opportunistic predators, they adjust their diet according to the availability of food, ensuring their survival in different environments.
Urban and Rural Foxes
Fox behavior varies between urban and rural areas. While most foxes in rural environments are solitary and avoid human interaction, urban foxes have learned to coexist with humans in populated areas.
With their ability to adapt to various environments, foxes that reside in urban areas can become opportunistic in their search for food, often scavenging from garbage bins and residential gardens.
In both urban and rural settings, foxes are known to mark their territories, which can be observed through the presence of fox droppings on items such as shoes and garden toys.
Essentials of Fox Trapping
Basic Trapping Gear
When trapping foxes, having the right equipment is essential for success. The following are some basic items that you will need:
- Traps: A variety of traps are suitable for catching foxes, including coil-spring traps, live traps, and snares.
- Bait: Fox bait or gland lure are often used to attract foxes to your traps.
- Trap cover: Wax paper or cloth can be used to cover and conceal your trap.
- Sifting screen: This is a 7″x7″ screen used to sift through dirt and debris around your trap.
Choosing the Right Trap
Selecting the best fox trap depends on your purpose for trapping foxes and your personal preferences. For fur trapping without causing significant damage to the skin, a coil-spring trap is a popular choice.
If you are dealing with nuisance foxes and want to release them unharmed, a live fox trap is your best option. This should be an extra-large trap, at least 42″ long by 15″ wide, to ensure a comfortable capture space for an adult-sized fox.
Bait Selection
Choosing the appropriate bait for foxes is crucial for attracting them to your trap. Common baits include:
- Meat: Foxes are carnivorous, so fresh meat or poultry is an effective bait option.
- Fox-specific lures: Gland lure is often used as it mimics the scent of other foxes and can pique their curiosity.
- Commercial attractants: Various commercial attractants are available that combine scents, food sources, and other appealing elements to lure foxes.
Choosing the Trap Location
Finding a suitable location for your fox trap is critical to your success. Follow these tips to find the best spot for your trap:
- Habitat: Foxes prefer wooded areas with cover, and they often travel along edges between habitats. Look for areas with clear signs of fox activity, such as tracks, droppings, or dens.
- Travel routes: Foxes tend to follow established paths, such as stream beds, field edges, or game trails. Set your trap along these routes to increase your chances of success.
- Bait placement: Make sure the bait is placed where it will be easily discovered by any passing foxes. This can include staking it directly to the ground near the trap or hanging it from a sturdy branch.
Following these guidelines will increase your chances of safely and effectively trapping foxes. Remember always to adhere to local laws and regulations and handle trapped animals with care and respect.
Setting a Fox Trap
Preparation of the Trap
Before setting a fox trap, clean it thoroughly and make sure that the trigger plate is in proper working condition.
If you are using a dirt hole set, dig a hole that is large enough to accommodate the trap and bedding. It’s important to use gloves while handling the trap to avoid leaving human scent behind.
Placement of the Trap
Foxes are attracted to strong, meat-based smells, so using raw meat or chicken as bait can help lure them into the trap. Place the meat securely in the cage and set the trigger plate mechanism. Be cautious not to accidentally trigger the trap while placing the bait.
If utilizing a dirt hole set, place the bait inside the hole and cover the trap with bedding material. Ensure the trigger plate is positioned at the entrance of the hole, so the fox is caught when attempting to dig up the bait.
Camouflage Techniques
Camouflaging the trap is essential to increase your chances of success. Start by placing the cage in an area where foxes are known to frequent. Look for their tracks and droppings as indicators of their presence. Position the cage near dense brush or foliage, which offers natural cover and blends with the surroundings.
For dirt hole sets, use the five-prong weeder to create scratch marks similar to those made by a fox digging for food. Cover the trap and surrounding area with leaves, twigs, or other natural materials to help it blend in with the environment. If using a cage trap, cover it with wax paper or cloths to conceal the metal bars and obscure its shape.
Advanced Tips and Strategies
Using Scent and Lures
Using scent and lures effectively can make a significant difference in your trapping success. Foxes have an extremely strong sense of smell, which can be used to your advantage when placing traps.
Fox urine is an effective lure, as it helps to attract foxes by mimicking the scent of a potential mate or challenger. To maximize the effectiveness of fox urine, pour a small quantity around the trap, making sure not to get any on the actual trap itself.
Dealing With Smart Foxes
Foxes are known for their cunning and intelligence, making them challenging to trap. To outsmart them, you need to make sure your approach is as unnoticeable as possible. If a fox has managed to avoid your traps on multiple occasions, consider the following tips:
- Camouflage your traps: Make sure your traps blend in with the surroundings. Use natural materials like leaves, grass, or dirt to conceal them.
- Avoid human scent: Foxes can detect human scent, so try to minimize your presence around the trap. Use gloves when handling traps and baits to reduce the risk of transferring your scent.
- Change your strategy: If a particular bait or trap isn’t working, don’t be afraid to try a different method.
Relocating and Releasing Foxes
Once you’ve successfully caught a fox, the next step is to relocate and release it. It’s essential to follow local guidelines and regulations when dealing with trapped animals, so be sure to research the proper methods in your area. Here are some general tips for relocating and releasing foxes:

- Transport the fox in the trap to a suitable release area, ideally at least five miles away from your property.
- Choose a location with ample food, water, and shelter resources for the fox.
- Gently open the trap and allow the fox to leave on its own. Do not attempt to force it out, as this can cause stress or injury to the animal.
- Once the fox has been released, clean and disinfect your trap to prevent the spread of diseases and parasites.
By applying these advanced tips and strategies, you can increase your chances of successfully trapping and relocating foxes. Remember to be patient and adaptable, as foxes are intelligent and adaptable animals that may require some trial and error to effectively manage.
Precautionary Measures
Safety Guidelines
When trapping foxes, it is important to follow safety guidelines to ensure the well-being of both the trapper and the animal. Wearing gloves is essential to protect hands from potential injury and to minimize human scent on the trap.
Preventing Unwanted Trappings
To prevent the capture of non-target animals, implementing the following precautions is advised:
- Choose the trap placement strategically by targeting areas frequently visited by foxes. This reduces the likelihood of attracting other animals.
- Using fox-specific lures and baits can also decrease the chances of trapping unwanted animals.
- Regularly check the traps and release any captured non-target animals promptly to minimize stress.
Fox and Human Interaction

Understanding fox behavior is crucial for capturing them effectively and safely. To get rid of foxes or prevent them from causing harm, consider these measures:
- Avoid feeding or watering pets outdoors as it may attract foxes.
- Properly dispose of garbage and secure food storage to discourage foxes from visiting the area.
- In livestock production areas, remove animal carcasses to make the environment less appealing to predators.
- Install exclusion measures, such as fencing, to keep foxes away from your property.
By following these guidelines, trappers can ensure safety, efficiency, and prevent unwanted trappings while maintaining a neutral and respectful approach to fox and human interactions.
Legal and Ethical Considerations
Different regions have different regulations surrounding the trapping and control of foxes. To ensure compliance, individuals and pest control managers must familiarize themselves with local laws pertaining to trapping, including required licenses, permits, and allowable methods.
Humane Practices
In terms of humane practices, it is essential to use methods that inflict minimal suffering on the foxes. The Humane Society provides guidance on how to apply the most humane, target-specific, cost-effective, and efficacious techniques when controlling fox populations.
Adhering to these guidelines ensures that foxes are treated ethically during trapping and pest control efforts.
Property Boundaries
When setting up traps, it is important to consider property boundaries and land ownership. Gaining permission from property owners and neighbors is necessary when planning to conduct trapping on someone else’s land.
This approach avoids conflicts, ensures compliance with local regulations, and fosters good relations among community members.
Best Management Practices
Trappers should follow best management practices (BMP) for trapping foxes. These practices include the proper selection of traps, placement, and maintenance.
Criteria for evaluating trapping devices include animal welfare, efficiency, selectivity, and safety for both humans and other non-target animals. Implementing BMPs helps guarantee that the trapping process adheres to ethical standards and promotes the responsible management of fox populations.
Disease Transmission
Lastly, be aware of the potential risks associated with trapping, such as the transmission of diseases. It is crucial to take necessary precautions when handling trapped foxes, especially if there is a suspicion of rabies or other zoonotic infections.
Proper disposal methods for deceased animals and adherence to biosecurity guidelines are also essential for protecting the overall health and well-being of both humans and wildlife.
Wrapping up Everything You Need to Know About Fox Trapping
By understanding the intricacies of fox behavior, knowing how to select the right trap and bait, and adhering to local wildlife regulations, trappers can practice this traditional skill responsibly and ethically.
Trouble with other canine nuisance critters on your property? Check out our Guide to Wolf Trapping.

Ed spent his childhood in the backwoods of Maine, where harsh winters taught him the value of survival skills. With a background in bushcraft and off-grid living, Ed has honed his expertise in fire-making, hunting, and wild foraging. He writes from personal experience, sharing practical tips and hands-on techniques to thrive in any outdoor environment. Whether it’s primitive camping or full-scale survival, Ed’s advice is grounded in real-life challenges.