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11 Pro Tips For Tracking and Hunting Nocturnal Bucks

Hunting nocturnal bucks can be one of the biggest challenges for any deer hunter. These elusive creatures seem to only move under the cover of darkness, leaving hunters frustrated with trail camera footage full of nighttime activity but no daytime sightings. However, with a little strategy and preparation, it is possible to target these bucks during daylight hours. Below are eleven pro tips that will help increase your odds of bagging that nocturnal trophy buck.

1. Understand Buck Movement Patterns

1. Understand Buck Movement Patterns
Image Credit: Survival World

Nocturnal bucks aren’t magically disappearing during the day – they are bedding down in hidden areas that they consider safe. One key to hunting these bucks is to understand their movement patterns. Bucks generally follow a daily routine: they rest during the day in secluded bedding areas and become active as the sun sets, heading toward their food sources. Tracking their movement via trail cameras is essential, but it’s equally important to expand your camera range. By spreading out your cameras in multiple directions, you can map out the routes they use, giving you a clearer picture of their daily routine.

2. Identify Bedding Areas and Pinch Points

2. Identify Bedding Areas and Pinch Points
Image Credit: Survival World

If you want to catch a nocturnal buck during daylight hours, you need to get as close as possible to their bedding areas without being detected. These areas are where bucks feel safest during the day. A great way to improve your chances is to find “pinch points” or “funnels” – narrow areas of land, often between thick cover, where bucks naturally travel between bedding and feeding areas. These are prime spots for setting up a stand, allowing you to intercept them as they move.

3. Use Trail Cameras to Your Advantage

3. Use Trail Cameras to Your Advantage
Image Credit: Survival World

Trail cameras are an invaluable tool when hunting nocturnal bucks. Not only do they help you understand where a buck is moving, but they also reveal the time of day these movements occur. If a buck consistently shows up on camera just after dark, it may indicate his bedding area is further away than you think. To solve this, push your cameras further out toward the suspected bedding area. Once you’ve identified patterns, you can strategically place your stand in the right spot for daylight movement.

4. Be Patient and Avoid Over-Hunting

4. Be Patient and Avoid Over Hunting
Image Credit: Survival World

Patience is a key virtue when hunting big bucks, especially those that are primarily nocturnal. Over-hunting your stand, particularly in high-pressure areas, can easily tip off a buck to your presence. Mature bucks are incredibly cautious and will avoid areas where they detect human scent or movement. The less time you spend in your stand, the less likely you are to spook them. Wait for the ideal weather conditions – like a cold front or the rut – to maximize your chances when the buck will be more active during daylight.

5. Take Advantage of Cold Fronts and Rut Activity

5. Take Advantage of Cold Fronts and Rut Activity
Image Credit: Survival World

One of the best times to target nocturnal bucks is during cold fronts and the rut. Cold fronts force bucks to get up and move more frequently as they seek to replace calories burned from trying to stay warm. Meanwhile, during the rut, bucks throw caution to the wind as they chase after does. This period offers hunters a rare opportunity to catch a normally cautious, nocturnal buck moving during the day. It’s wise to plan extended sits during these periods, as bucks are more likely to make mistakes.

6. Fine-Tune Your Entry and Exit Routes

6. Fine Tune Your Entry and Exit Routes
Image Credit: Survival World

Getting in and out of your stand without being detected is one of the hardest, yet most important, parts of hunting nocturnal bucks. Even if you’re hunting a prime area, all your efforts can be wasted if a buck detects human scent. Carefully plan how you enter and leave your stand, ensuring the wind is in your favor and your path doesn’t cross their movement routes. Clearing a path ahead of time can help minimize the noise and scent you leave behind, giving you a much better chance of going unnoticed.

7. Don’t Overlook Food Plots and Fall Food Sources

7. Don’t Overlook Food Plots and Fall Food Sources
Image Credit: Survival World

A well-maintained food plot can be a magnet for bucks, but only if it’s unpressured. Bucks will avoid food plots if they sense danger, so it’s crucial to let these areas rest. By minimizing human activity around food plots, you can make them feel safe for bucks to visit during daylight hours. Bucks are highly particular about their feeding areas, and if you can provide high-quality fall food sources, you can lure them out of their nocturnal habits.

8. Know When to Sit All Day During the Rut

8. Know When to Sit All Day During the Rut
Image Credit: Survival World

While many hunters prefer short, targeted sits, during the rut, all-day sits are your best bet. Bucks move unpredictably during this time, constantly searching for does. Finding a well-situated pinch point or funnel and hunkering down for the day can pay off big. These areas often serve as highways for bucks on the move, so it’s worth the effort to be there when they pass through.

9. Use Scent Control Religiously

9. Use Scent Control Religiously
Image Credit: Survival World

No matter how good your stand placement is, your chances of success plummet if a buck smells you. Scent control should be a top priority for hunters targeting nocturnal bucks. This includes everything from wearing scent-blocking clothing to carefully choosing your approach based on the wind direction. Remember, mature bucks are hypersensitive to human scent, and even the slightest trace can send them running in the opposite direction.

10. Play the Long Game—Don’t Hunt Too Early

10. Play the Long Game—Don’t Hunt Too Early
Image Credit: Survival World

It’s tempting to jump into the stand at the first sight of a big buck on camera, but you’ll have more success if you wait for the perfect moment. Early-season hunts can be less productive for nocturnal bucks. Waiting until the right time – whether that’s a cold front, the rut, or the late season – can increase your odds tremendously. Sometimes, less is more when it comes to hunting these elusive creatures.

11. The Hail Mary: The Rut’s Chaos

11. The Hail Mary The Rut’s Chaos
Image Credit: Survival World

If all else fails, the rut may be your final saving grace. During this time, bucks are driven by instinct and hormones, making them more likely to show themselves during daylight, even if they’ve been nocturnal all season. While unpredictable, the rut can flip the script, allowing even the most cautious bucks to make mistakes. An all-day sit in a high-traffic area can be your best chance at finally catching that elusive nocturnal buck.

A Combination of Patience, Strategy, and Timing

A Combination of Patience, Strategy, and Timing
Image Credit: Survival World

In conclusion, hunting nocturnal bucks requires a combination of patience, strategy, and timing. By understanding their movement patterns, properly using trail cameras, and knowing when to strike, you can increase your chances of catching these elusive animals in daylight. Whether it’s using scent control, perfecting your stand placement, or simply waiting for the right weather, these tips will help you track and harvest your next big buck.

The Most Effective Strategies for You

The Most Effective Strategies for You
Image Credit: Survival World

What are your thoughts?

What strategies have you found most effective in hunting nocturnal bucks, and how do they compare to the methods discussed here?