It used to be that stocking a prepper pantry was considered an extreme undertaking. Nowadays, just about everyone recognizes the value of having some necessities on hand. We’re here to help take some of the guesswork out of stocking your prepper pantry, so you can be sure you’re getting valuable items that truly make a difference.
Read on for a list of ideas for items to stock in your prepper pantry–from absolute necessities to comfort items and everything in between.

1. Water
Water is something you will need in every sort of survival or emergency scenario. But, even more crucially, you want a water supply you know you can trust. Clean water can make a tremendous difference, particularly when other water sources are contaminated.
These Saratoga Farms 5-Gallon Stackable Water Storage Containers are a great resource for this. These are built to take up minimal space and can hold a lot of water.
2. Canned Foods
From veggies and fruits to fish and even other preserved meats, you have a lot of options for adding canned foods to your prepper pantry. Best of all, these tend to be relatively inexpensive compared to other prepper pantry items. So you can stock up in bulk without breaking the bank.
A great place to start with these is the Del Monte Store. This behemoth of canned goods has plenty to choose from, so you can usually find something to satisfy even the pickiest eaters in your home.
3. Canned Liquids
Whether you are looking at spring water, sparkling water, soda, or even canned juice like this Sahara Burst Canned Grapefruit Juice, these can be super handy prepper pantry items. Often, canned liquids can be a bit more easily transportable than large water storage containers.
If you aim for things like canned juice, you also have a healthy option for restoring electrolytes and balancing blood sugar in hot weather scenarios.
4. Jams, Jellies, and Other Jarred Goods
Jarred goods check a lot of the boxes you want to hit when building your prepper pantry list. They have a good shelf life, add great nutritional value, and can be purchased or made at home!
For purchasing, we recommend Bonne Maman Jams and Jellies. This tasty jelly option comes in bulk with an assortment of flavors. You can also check out recipes for things like Cherry Jam and Plum Jam for ideas on fruits to grow for making your own jam or jelly stock.
You can also buy or jar your savory items, like pickles, pickled eggs, onions, garlic, sauces like tomato sauce, and plenty more!
5. Crackers, Chips, And Other Dry Snacks
Even in survival scenarios, sometimes you just need the comfort of a good snack. And it can be good for you, too. Snacking has been proven to lower stress levels and raise happy hormones, which can be absolutely needed in scenarios where you might be busting into your prepper pantry items.
Crackers, chips, and most dry snacks like trail mixes have a fairly sustainable shelf life, so don’t be afraid to buy in bulk. You can go simple with something like Suzie’s Bulk Saltine Crackers. Alternatively, you can also go for things like bagged bulk chips, multiple cracker boxes, and more.
Large retail warehouse stores are often a great resource for stocking up on prepper pantry items like this.

6. Energy Bars and Granola Bars
There is plenty to be said for prepper pantry snack items that boost energy and stimulate your blood sugar. This is where things like energy bars and granola bars come in handy.
When you are in the mood for a sweet snack with a lot of substance, you will certainly want these on hand! A great option for this is a bundle like the Veratify Healthy Snacks to Go–something that contains a lot of granola bars, with a lot of variety, for a reasonable price.
7. Canned or Bagged Nuts
Nuts can be particularly useful in an emergency or survival scenario because they also offer a good nutrient kick in addition to being tasty. Extra protein is often crucial when using your prepper pantry items, so having nuts on hand is a wise choice.
If you want a nut option that’s easily stashable and transportable, consider something like these Nuts Snack Packs on the Go. You can also buy large bulk in nuts and divide them into small storage baggies.
8. Powdered Milk
When it comes to survival or emergency scenarios, the use of milk often becomes impractical. It doesn’t have a long shelf life, but in addition to that, you may be in a scenario without the power to keep it cold. Possibly for a long span of time.
However, that doesn’t mean you must give up on milk entirely! You can add powdered milk as an item to your prepper pantry…like this Augason Farms Morning Moo’d Milk. This milk powder can be reconstituted on an as-needed basis, so you minimize waste without sacrificing your love for milk.
9. Powdered Eggs
Sadly, eggs often fall under the same banner as milk when it comes to survival needs. Unless you own your own chickens, purchasing and storing eggs safely can be almost impossible in many different emergency scenarios.
However, powdered food comes in handy once again! You can purchase powdered eggs from retailers, like this Valley Food Storage Powdered Eggs option. Similar to milk, these eggs can be reconstituted and prepared as needed.
10. Dry Cereal
Whether you’re just prepping for yourself, or a whole family, cereal can be an important commodity on any prepper pantry list. Your best bet is to either buy bagged cereal in bulk from a retailer or invest in some Kellogg’s Cold Breakfast Cereal Packs. These smaller packs are helpful in reducing waste.

11. Oatmeal
Oatmeal is a wonderful and delicious meal staple that deserves a place on every prepper pantry list. To make the most of your oatmeal stores, try something like Grain Millers Bulk Oatmeal.
Plain oats can be easily transformed into oat flour. This will give you the option to bake things as needed by using a fresh store of newly-made flour, so you don’t have to worry about bugs or other invaders in your flour.
12. Rice
Rice is another staple of the prepper pantry list and for good reason. It’s hearty, can be cooked in numerous delicious ways, and will keep for a long time. Stocking up on rice, such as with Augason Farms Bulk Rice, will help give you plenty of peace of mind.
13. Beans And/Or Lentils
Beans–like these Wheatland Pure Beans–are another fantastic, filling option everyone should have in their prepper pantry. Beans and lentils help fill up even the hungriest bellies, offer a good nutritional boost, and they also store well and cook easily.
14. Baby and Pet Food (If Necessary)
Not everyone has a baby or a pet to consider when stocking their prepper pantry. However, for those who do, these dependents often come first and foremost on their list. It’s wise to have some bulk formula, such as HappyBaby Organic Formula, on hand in case of an emergency scenario. This can even be helpful if your baby is breastfed, just in case.
For pet food, visiting a big box retailer warehouse is your best option when stocking your prepper pantry. This will often allow you to buy in large bulk, sometimes over 100 pounds of pet food, without breaking the bank.
15. Olive Oil, Lard, or Tallow
Cooking oils are important to have on hand in your prepper pantry, as you never know when you will need to cook up a meal. In this case, it’s important to ensure you have quality oils on hand, as opposed to seed oils which can be less expensive but also offer less nutritional value.
Your best option is a Pure Rendered Beef Tallow Bulk stock or some bulk olive oil or lard. All of these are incredibly nutrient-dense. This will help them go a long way in keeping you full and healthy in survival scenarios.
16. Honey
Honey can be used in a lot of things. From flavoring your morning coffee to sweetening your oatmeal and much more, you want to have honey on hand in your pantry. A great option is buying honey in bulk, such as Cox’s Bulk Honey. Just be sure to seal it well after each use, as insects and foragers love this sweet treat, too.

17. Freeze Dried Meals
Lots of companies have made a killing on selling freeze-dried meals and for good reason. It can be a space saver as well as a sanity saver, knowing you have fully prepared meals right there are your fingertips.
A great option that everyone should have on hand for survival scenarios is ReadyWise 3 Month Stock Emergency Foods. Even if you have limited storage space, having this on hand will still ensure you have several months of food. This can help get you over the hump of many natural disasters, emergency scenarios, and more.
18. Freeze Dried Fruit and Vegetables
Freeze-dried fruits and vegetables can be reconstituted to their pre-frozen state and enjoyed similarly to canned or fresh foods. But these are much easier to store and often take up less space than a canned option.
We highly recommend buying these in bulk, such as this Valley Food Storage Freeze Dried Fruits and Vegetables. This gives you many options, which can be a real game changer in a survival scenario.
19. Freeze Dried Meat
Freeze-dried meat–such as the many options available from NutriStore Freeze Dried Foods–allows you to have meat on hand in any survival scenario hassle-free. This is a great option to keep a good amount of protein in your diet. Simply use water to reconstitute the dried meat, and you can prepare all your favorite dishes.
20. Peanut Butter And/Or Nut Butter
Like bulk-dried nuts, nut butter is a great asset to have on hand in your prepper pantry. Many of them provide a great resource for healthy fats and protein and a tasty snack treat. Wild Friends Various Nut Butters is a great resource where you can shop around for your nut butter of choice and buy a few containers at a time.
21. Coffee and Tea
Some folks just do better in any scenario where they have a cup of coffee or tea. And in times of distress where you might need to start depleting your prepper pantry stores, these familiar comforts can become all the more crucial.
That’s why having some of your choice drinks on hand is important, such as Kirkland Signature Bulk Coffee or Twinings Assorted Tea. Making sure you can grab a familiar cup–and not having to deal with caffeine withdrawal–can be important in many different scenarios.

22. Dried Corn
Like plain oats, dried corn can be milled into a grain. In fact, foods made with dried corn are often quite high in protein and other key nutrients. Having some bagged, dried corn on hand, such as the bulk option available with Findlay’s Dried Organic Corn, will help ensure you have another great option for making your own grain and flour.
23. Salt
Not only is salt great for flavoring food, but it also acts as a preservative. In addition, you can add a touch of salt to your water to boost electrolytes and minerals. This can actually make all the difference if you are at risk of heat stroke or dehydration. A good option is Redmond Sea Salt, which has a higher nutritional point than simple table salt.
24. Baking Soda and Baking Powder
With various options for making your own flour, it is also important to have baking and leavening agents on hand. Not to mention, baking soda can be used for freshness in a lot of ways outside of the kitchen, including helping you clean your clothes.
Bob’s Mills Baking Soda and Baking Powder Bulk Pack is a great option for keeping some quality baking soda and baking powder on hand in your prepper pantry. It’s always better to have these items and not need them than to need them and not have them.
25. Seeds for Growing More Food
Ultimately, when stocking your prepper pantry, you always want to hope for a quick resolution to any scenario where you would need to bust into it. But that may not always be the case. That’s why it’s crucial to forecast beyond what your prepper pantry’s ready-made items can supply for you.
Quality seeds, such as Open Seed Vault Survival Garden, are a must. This will allow you to plan for worst-case scenarios, where you will need to provide your own food beyond the stock in your prepper pantry.
Wrapping Up Stocking Your Prepper Pantry

Feeling confident about stocking your prepper pantry with these useful items? This is just the first step! Solidify your peace of mind when it comes to preparedness by checking out our Food section. Here, you learn how to make a lot of your own food, prepare it in survival scenarios, and so much more.

A former park ranger and wildlife conservationist, Lisa’s passion for survival started with her deep connection to nature. Raised on a small farm in northern Wisconsin, she learned how to grow her own food, raise livestock, and live off the land. Lisa writes about homesteading, natural remedies, and survival strategies. Whether it’s canning vegetables or setting up a rainwater harvesting system, Lisa’s goal is to help others live more sustainably and prepare for the unexpected.