The world we’re currently living in is full of uncertainties. Inflation is at an all-time high, gas prices are through the roof, and the American dollar is headed in the wrong direction regarding its worth. One of the best ways to overcome these financial obstacles and make sure that you and your family are cared for is to invest in survival seeds for a survival garden.
If you’re wondering what on earth we’re talking about, this article will explain everything. We’ll lay out what a survival garden is and the type of survival seeds that you need to survive and thrive in these uncertain times. Let’s get planting!
What Are Survival Seeds?
Survival seeds are special vegetable and fruit seeds with a longer shelf life than ordinary seeds. Here are the requirements it takes to qualify as a survival seed.
- 100% non-GMO
The main thing to look for in survival seeds is that they’re non-GMO. GMO stands for a genetically modified organism, which means that scientists or biologists genetically modify a seed or plant to get it exactly how they want it. This kind of interference often takes away from the plant’s health properties and overall quality.
- Non-hybrid
A hybrid plant is when you take two different seeds from the same variety and cross them to generate a new plant. For example, you could take a Jonagold apple seed and a yellow delicious apple seed and create a new apple variety.
- Open pollination
Open pollination is when you let cross-pollination occur naturally by external methods such as the wind, air, rain, or from animals and insects touching one plant and moving to another. Open pollination allows you to have hybrid plants in your survival garden without manually manipulating which seeds get crossed with one another.
- Heirloom
It isn’t necessarily a requirement for survival seeds to be heirloom seeds, but most are. Heirloom seeds are plants that have been around for generations, and they must be original, meaning that they’re not hybrid seeds. Heirlooms are usually the seeds that get crossed with one another to produce hybrids, either by open pollination or other methods.
- Organic
Survival seeds don’t necessarily have to be organic, but it’s a big plus. Organic seeds are guaranteed to have no GMOs, pesticides, or other foreign elements that interfere with the health and quality of the seed.
Are Survival Seeds Different from Ordinary Garden Seeds?
Survival seeds are no different in appearance or size than ordinary garden seeds. An excellent way to think of survival seeds is that they’re garden seeds in the purest form. They haven’t been altered, manipulated, or treated in any way and are usually heirloom and organic in nature.
Why Do I Need Survival Seeds?
If you care about the well-being of yourself and your family, survival seeds are an excellent idea. Survival seeds are heartier, longer-lasting, and often more plentiful than ordinary garden seeds. They ensure that you’ll have plenty of fruits and vegetables during uncertain economic times, financial pitfalls, and other life circumstances when you can’t afford to buy food at the grocery store.
What Are the Top Survival Seeds to Have for My Survival Garden?
If you’re convinced that it’s time to start a survival garden, here are some of the top seeds you should invest in.
1. Beans and Legumes
Beans and legumes are some of the best vegetables you can have in your survival garden. They’re rich in various vitamins and minerals and are an excellent source of protein. Protein from plants is essential if you won’t be able to get it from other sources such as animals. The Kentucky Wonder Pole Bean and the Contender Bush Bean are just two of the numerous bean options at your disposal.
It’s a good idea to get a variety of beans because different types of beans have different qualities. Black beans and kidney beans are rich in protein, but green beans are high in Vitamin K and Vitamin B.
2. Carrots
Carrots are another vital addition to your survival garden. While they’re loaded with Vitamin A, K, and calcium, they’re important for various other reasons. Carrots are instrumental in keeping your bones healthy and strong and also help to regulate your blood sugar if you’re at risk of diabetes or have it. The Chantenay Royal Carrot, among others, would make for a great addition to your garden.
3. Spinach
Spinach is one of the most dreaded vegetables for kids and toddlers, but it’s also one of the most important. The list of health benefits that spinach offers is long, and we don’t have time to cover all of them. Suffice it to say, however, that spinach is good for your eyes, helps regulate your blood pressure, and is packed with essential vitamins and minerals.
4. Kale
Kale is considered a super-food and is one of the most nutrient-rich and densely packed foods on earth. They contain Vitamin A, K, fiber, antioxidants, and tons of other properties and ingredients that you need to survive. If you have to choose between kale and another food for your survival garden, you should always opt for kale.
Not only is it instrumental to your overall health, but you can go in several different directions with kale. You can pop them in the oven and make kale chips, add them to a salad, or use it as lettuce on your tomato sandwich. Additionally, lacinato kale is bound to be one of if not the most plentiful crops in your survival garden.
5. Cabbage
Sticking to the idea of healthy greens, you shouldn’t forget to add cabbage to your list of survival seeds. Cabbage is like a slightly toned-down version of kale in terms of health benefits but will be a good changeup if you get tired of the taste of kale. Early Round Dutch Cabbage would be an excellent place to start.
6. Squash or Pumpkin
With all of these greens and beans, you’ll need a treat at some point. However, by planting squash or pumpkins in your garden, you can ensure that your treat is healthy and delicious. Both squash and pumpkins are rich in carbohydrates and nutrients, and a single seed can produce a massive crop.
7. Peppers
Since ancient times, peppers have been used for various medicinal and health purposes. Cayenne pepper, specifically, gets used in many cleanses and diets for its ability to purge you from the inside out and improve your gut health.
Peppers are also a very diverse plant. They can be hot or sweet, and by purchasing several different types of pepper survival seeds, you can let them open pollinate with one another and produce even more diverse varieties.
8. Potatoes
To stay healthy and get all the nutrients and food groups you need to survive, you should definitely invest in some potato seeds. Potatoes are starchy foods that will keep you healthy and ensure that you get enough calories and carbs to maintain your weight and thrive. However, keep in mind that potato seeds don’t last as long as the other heirloom survival seeds on this list.
9. Blueberries
We’ve only looked at vegetables for your survival garden up to this point. However, you’ll also need some fruit in your diet to stay healthy. Berries, such as blueberries, are packed in antioxidants and natural sugars and will make for an excellent treat.
10. Strawberries
In the same way that blueberries are one of the best and healthiest fruits you can have in your survival garden, strawberries are right up there with them. Strawberries, like blueberries, are packed with natural sugar and antioxidants, and you can mix them into a fruit bowl, a dessert, or whip up a batch of strawberry shortcakes.
If you don’t like strawberries or blueberries, there are plenty of other berry and fruit options to consider. Blackberries, raspberries, apples, oranges, and avocados are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the different fruit and vegetable trees and bushes you should have in your survival garden.
How to Choose the Best Survival Seeds
- What you like
It’s important to choose fruits and veggies that you actually like and enjoy eating. However, certain foods like kale and cabbage aren’t traditional favorites, but they’re incredibly healthy and should be in every survival garden. You should also remember to purchase herbs and flowers for health, flavoring, and medicinal purposes and plant them in your survival garden.
- What’s healthy
In general, any survival seeds listed above will be extremely healthy. However, if you’re short on space, you should opt for the most nutritious options on the list and prioritize which survival seeds you plant.
- Available space
If you’re tight on space, you won’t be able to plant certain survival seeds that turn into large bushes or trees. You’ll have to prioritize according to size and health benefits.
How to Care for Your Survival Seeds
Caring for and storing your survival seeds is extremely important to ensure their longevity and survival. You should keep them in a cool, dry place, away from the sunlight and humidity. You should also store them in airtight bags or containers. Nothing will ruin your survival seeds faster than moisture, sunlight, warmth, and humidity.
To keep your chain of survival seeds going, you should take several seeds from each round of crops that you plant. Doing this will ensure that you won’t run out of seeds and ensure that each round of new seeds is as perfect as the last.
Wrapping Up Everything You Need to Know About Survival Seeds
Purchasing the right survival seeds is one of the most critical aspects of your survival garden, but there’s much more you should know. Your seeds won’t do much good if you don’t know how to plant them and care for them. However, choosing your survival seeds is step one to taking back your independence and health.